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{"itemVIPP":"$4.55 - $6.37","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$5.10 - $7.14","itemMSRP":"$5.67 - $7.93","extra_savings":"$0.77","itemVipSavings":"10%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$5.67 - $7.93

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$5.10 - $7.14

The HP-SB Plus has a .2 mm. nozzle and needle combination for high-precision, detail spraying. Its 1/8 oz. side-feed color cup allows for right and left-handed use and for slower detail spraying and better vision of the work surface.

Other features include:

  • Dual-purpose, cutaway and a pre-set handle for easy clean up and precise control of paint flow
  • PTFE needle packing for automotive or other solvent-based paints
  • Larger threads on the nozzle that offer a more secure fit and better centering of the nozzle
  • Redesigned tapered gravity-feed cups that ensure easy clean up and more efficient paint flow
  • A single-piece auxiliary lever/needle-chucking guide that provides easy assembly

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