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{"itemVIPP":"$3.09 - $12.86","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$3.59 - $14.89","itemMSRP":"$4.75 - $19.75","extra_savings":"$2.03","itemVipSavings":"25%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$4.75 - $19.75

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$3.59 - $14.89

The Black Velvet Brush Series features a unique blend of natural squirrel tail hair and Risslon black synthetic filaments that retain large amounts of water with perfect release control. The soft blend of bristles allows for multiple-layer glazing without disturbing previous colors, yet firm enough to lift color with a gentle scrub. Ideal for watercolors, gouache, fluid acrylics, inks, and dyes. The short handle offers a sleek design with a signature silver band on a black lacquered handle with a black ferrule.

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