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{"itemVIPP":"$0.89 - $59.89","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$1.12 - $76.19","itemMSRP":"$2.25 - $170.88","extra_savings":"$16.30","itemVipSavings":"50% - 55%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
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$1.12 - $76.19

Sculpey’s Bake & Bend nontoxic modeling compound will not dry out when exposed to air and stays soft and pliable until baked in a regular oven. Once cool, your project remains bendable and rubbery. Use this flexible oven bake clay for jewelry, animal figures, dolls, and playful shapes.

10 Piece Sculpey Bake & Bend Sampler Set includes

  • 8 bars of Sculpey (2 oz. of white, beige, yellow, red, blue, black, orange, and green)
  • Modeling tool
  • Clay roller

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