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{"itemVIPP":"$6.89 - $13.59","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$7.79 - $15.49","itemMSRP":"$11.40 - $22.80","extra_savings":"$1.90","itemVipSavings":"32%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$11.40 - $22.80

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$7.79 - $15.49

Faber-Castell Creative Studio Manga kits feature Pitt Artist Pens conveniently packaged for on-the-go artists. Pitt Artist Pens contain permanent, smudge-proof, and waterproof inks that will not bleed through most papers. The archival-quality, pigmented India inks are odorless, lightfast, acid-free, and pH Neutral.

Basic Manga set of 8 includes warm grey 111, warm grey IV, cold grey 111, cold grey IV, cold grey VI, black superfine, black medium, and black brush.

Shojo set of 6 includes 118 scarlet red, 109 dark chrome yellow, 171 light green, 156 cobalt green, 146 sky blue, and 134 crimson.

Shonen set of 6 includes 127 pink carmine, 113 orange glaze, 184 dark naples ochre, 167 permanent green olive, 110 pthalo blue, and 136 purple violet.

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