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{"itemVIPP":"$10.19 - $16.49","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$12.19 - $19.59","itemMSRP":"$20.39 - $32.99","extra_savings":"$3.10","itemVipSavings":"38%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
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$12.19 - $19.59

Tim Holtz Alcohol Inks create a vibrant, polished effect on non-porous surfaces and can be blended and layered to form dazzling effects. These acid-free inks provide fast drying, transparent coverage that is permanent when dry. The inks are ideal for use on glossy paper, metal, foil, shrink plastic, glass, and other slick surfaces - even dominoes. They are also compatible with an airbrush.

The 6 Metallic Mixatives are specially formulated to create metallic highlights when combined with other alcohol ink colors.

The Snow Cap Mixative is a white opaque ink used to create pastel, marbleized, and faux patina effects when mixed with other alcohol ink colors.

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