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{"itemVIPP":"$23.14 - $28.92","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$25.99 - $32.49","itemMSRP":"$49.95 - $58.95","extra_savings":"$3.57","itemVipSavings":"35%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$49.95 - $58.95

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$25.99 - $32.49

No artist should be without this fixative. It can fix, seal, and protect almost anything. It can also be used to prepare surfaces for painting and drawing. Multi-media artists find it indispensable for preparing unusual surfaces. This conservator-quality acrylic sealer is clear, non-yellowing, resistant to aging and non-matte. It is suitable for fixing drawings in pastel, pencil, charcoal, wax crayons, ink, gouache, and watercolor. The sealant will make photos, prints, lithographs, proofs, lettering, and gold leaf all scratch resistant.

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