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{"itemVIPP":"$10.37 - $66.19","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$11.96 - $75.59","itemMSRP":"$24.44 - $94.44","extra_savings":"$9.40","itemVipSavings":"20% - 30%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
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$11.96 - $75.59

The Gansai Tambi Sets offer artist-grade, traditional Japanese pan watercolors in individual removable blocks. These non-toxic, water-based paints are rich, vibrant, lightfast, and ideal for sketching, illustration, cards, and more! The underside of the box lid features a color chart that can be filled in with the actual painted color for your reference.

Available in five original color sets and a new color set of 12.

Plus 6 sets of 6: Starry Colors, Pearl Colors, Opal Colors, Gem Colors Sumi Colors and Granulating Colors.

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