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Strathmore 400 Series Watercolor paper. Acid-free. This blended wood pulp sheet has a professional grade random surface. Recommended for intermediate and advanced watercolorists for mastering technique.

Announcement Size Watercolor Cards This small, 3.5" x 4.875" card is ideally suited for formal announcements, gift enclosures, invitations, change of address and thank you notes. Announcement Size envelopes are 3.625" x 5.125". Announcement cards meet domestic size requirements for US 1st Class Mail. Full Size Watercolor Cards These larger size 5" x 6.875" cards can be used to design a greeting for any occasion from birthdays, holidays and invitations to general correspondence. Full Size envelopes are 5.25" x 7.25".

Available in packs of 6, 10 and 50.

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