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Prismacolor watercolor pencils are professional quality, water-soluble, colored pencils. They offer superior lightfastness. Use wet or dry. Pencils do not contain rainforest wood. Matches other Prismacolor pencils. Sets are packaged in tins.

Set of 12 contains true blue, Copenhagen blue, dark green, grass green, spring green, sunburst yellow, orange, crimson red, carmine red, black, dark umber, and goldenrod.

Set of 24 contains ultramarine, true blue, Copenhagen, dark green, grass green, true green, olive green, spring green, sunburst yellow, orange, crimson red, carmine red, blush pink, violet, black, white, terra cotta, dark umber, lilac, Spanish orange, peacock blue, goldenrod, cool grey 50%, and French grey 20%.

Set of 36 contains indigo blue, ultramarine, true blue, Copenhagen, dark green, grass green, true green, olive green, spring green, cream, canary yellow, sunburst yellow, orange, non-photo blue, poppy red, crimson red, carmine red, light peach, blush pink, pink, violet, violet blue, black, white, terra cotta, sienna brown, dark brown, dark umber, lilac, mulberry, Spanish orange, parrot green, peacock blue, goldenrod, cool grey 50%, and French grey 20%.

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