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{"itemVIPP":"$7.19 - $68.79","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$8.09 - $77.39","itemMSRP":"$9.50 - $86.00","extra_savings":"$8.60","itemVipSavings":"10%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$9.50 - $86.00

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$8.09 - $77.39

Self-focus, light gathering, scratch resistant loupe. New technology in magnification that gathers light and provides a powerful 4X power direct magnification. Distortion free, light weight solid optical acrylic lens--glides across any surface. Great for reading maps, charts, spreadsheets, newspapers, telephone directories, catalogs, photographs, stamps, coins, and even X-rays. Includes black polishing pouch for storage.

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