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{"itemVIPP":"$5.19 - $8.69","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$6.19 - $10.29","itemMSRP":"$9.51 - $15.74","extra_savings":"$1.60","itemVipSavings":"35%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$9.51 - $15.74

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$6.19 - $10.29

This introductory painting set offers quality acrylic paints and tools in a convenient clearview case. Royal & Langnickel’s Acrylic Clearview Art Set includes twelve acrylic (12 ml) paints, three gold taklon brushes, one eraser, one graphite pencil, one six-well mixing palette, one reusable storage container, and one acrylic instructional guide. This 22-piece set is part of the Royal & Langnickel Art Instructor Series 1 which features a free online tutorial for a still life and nature study led by international artist, Gisèle Grenier. The hard protective plastic container measures 12 in x 9.25 in x .75 in. and provides easy access and storage for painting materials.

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