Painting - Oils, water colors, acrylics, face and body paint, kids' paint, and more

Kids' Corner - Putting a cap on high prices
Featured Painting Products

From $5.69

Vitrea 160 Markers

by Pebeo

Glass art markers

Up to 48% Off

From $1.29

Sea Silk Sponges

by Royal & Langnickel

Natural patterns for painting and more

From $6.09

Vitrea 160 Outliners

by Pebeo

Transparent outliner

Up to 45% Off

Frosted Glass Finish

by Krylon

Decorative and functional
On Sale

At Least 34% Off

Purified Poppy Oil

by Holbein

Imparts a natural luster to you paintings.
Purchase Guide: Painting

Painting is one of the most ancient forms of artistic expression in the world. The earliest known paintings, the cave paintings at the Grotte Chauvet in France, are estimated to be 32,000 years old, dating to a time when humans were only just learning to express and preserve their feelings and ideas. Since these early paintings done in red ochre and black pigments, artists the world over have explored all manner of painting techniques, uses, and materials. The results of these many experiments have given the world a priceless trove of artwork—some treasured, some...
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