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{"itemVIPP":"$2.29 - $6.92","listMSRP":"","itemNOMP":"$2.62 - $7.90","itemMSRP":"$3.28 - $9.88","extra_savings":"$0.98","itemVipSavings":"20%","_memberPrice":"","listVipSavings":""}
$3.28 - $9.88

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$2.62 - $7.90

Gatorfoam has a light, durable core of polystyrene foam, bonded on both sides to patented Luxcell facings. These wood fiber veneers are impregnated with a proprietary resin for integrity, durability, and moisture-resistance. Gatorfoam gator board takes latex, oil-based, or acrylic paints, and the smooth, hard surface is great for screen printing. It's perfect for mounting and laminating photographic or digitally produced display prints, as well as dry and pressure-sensitive mounting.

Gatorfoam requires only standard woodworking tools for cutting and shaping. Make straight or curved lines easily with any saw--it won't tear, chip, or shred. And you can cut angles and bevels easily. For smooth, clean irregular cuts and shapes, a standard router is all you need. Ideal for indoor or outdoor use.

Gatorfoam boards with a 3/16-inch thickness are available in packs of 15.
Gatorfoam boards with a 1/2-inch thickness are available in packs of 12.
Gator foam boards with a 1-inch thickness are available in packs of 6.

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