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This is what a few of our customers have to say about MisterArt.com:

As creative director, I want my team of artists and designers to have their favorite supplies and the highest quality tools. MisterArt is the only place that I can find everything my team needs... and quickly. Orders get here quickly and service is exceptional. Best of all, the VIP discount saves our company A LOT of money, which makes the boss very happy :) - Ryan, SLC, UT
Even with shipping the price was better than I could find locally--if I could find the product at all. - Caryl, Moore, SC
I wish I had found your web site sooner...I found everything I need and want on your web site and I didn't have to drive into town. - Linda, Hinesville, GA
And service was fast and handled wonderfully. Always such a pleasure doing business with MisterArt.com. - Charlene, McMinnville, OR
It's like Christmas every time I order! Great products, great service, great savings, and speedy shipping. Thanks so much mister art. Roz - Roz, Fridley, MN
That was the fastest service I have ever received shopping online. Thanks for a great deal and great speed. I will be back for sure! - Bruce, Minneapolis, MN
Low and greatest prices. MisterArt.com has unique and hard to find supplies for the new/experienced artist. it's the best website I have found for art supplies. - ahmad, Ohaio , OH
I received my order from your company and was very pleased in the entire process. Very timely, great packaging, fantastic material and I am definitely ordering from you again (not to mention telling my friends and family)!! Thank you again! - Jennifer, Memphis, TN
Excellent service & products! Great experience! - Bobbie, Covington, LA
Thank you Misterart for your quality of paints. I ordered your DecorArt acrylic paints for my craft projects. I couldnt be happier. They did the job, and the price was affordable. When I 1st went to your site I thought ok I'll give them a try, what do I have to lose. I was amazed as to the care of your shipping and quality of product you sell. Looking forward to my next projects that include your products. Thank you again for a great experience. I am one happy customer :) - karen, yakima, WA

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